Hello and welcome to the revised Lady Darwin Design website!
I have been working on some changes to my business since the start of the year and am very excited to share with you my rebranded website which now matches the business cards and branding you may have noticed evolve over time. As the Northern Territory's longest running dedicated design firm I have been long overdue a website overhaul so when I reached the 10th anniversary of my old website early this year I thought NOW is the time to do it!
This will be my third website since I started out in the design world and the one I am the most proud of as I think it perfectly reflects my personality and style while also showing the direction I am going in next, A journey that started way back in 2002 as a fresh faced student still studying and dreaming of what may come and how my career would take shape. Fast forward to 2021 and I have been enjoying the freedom of solely running my own business for a few years now and have been so busy that I am currently only dealing with existing clients and taking trade bookings for the remainder of 2021 after a bumper year that saw a huge increase in new home builds and a crazy amount of renovations on the back of the highly successful NT trade scheme which helped many business and home owners alike.
I am so thankful to a 'Web Geek' (her words not mine - read on for yourself here) turned trusted friend Fiona Fell whose web prowess knows no bounds, I especially love that she "Is totally thrilled with things most people would look baffled by" which in turn helps me get what I want from the web without throwing my laptop into my pool. I am also grateful for the support, encouragement and recommendations given by all of you - My clients and friends over the years and look forward to continuing to be a part of shaping the interiors of the NT. I will be sharing more very soon of what I have been working on as a side project in the background all year so I can't wait to show you what I am up to next...stay tuned for an announcement on Territory day by this very excited Territorian or get hold of the latest Resident Magazine launching end June for an advanced sneak peak!
xox Haley