Sunday session 9.11.14

“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”


This week I am living in a state of awe at how things are working out for me, you know…life wise.  Things are good and I think I am on track in general. I started the week with a few bad days and was living in that creative state that I call “you’re f#@&%ed Hales” and was questioning how I had deluded myself into thinking I could do all this work in one week.. but then I just got on with it and did it so now I’m sitting here thinking I’m like DESIGN GOD! For a few hours I am anyway until my next creative crisis.

I have been working on some artwork for 2 clients and while researching that I discovered the photographic work of a guy called Daniel Hartley Allen who I have met fleetingly and whose eye for capturing the NT really resonated with me.

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I have been planning a stylish ‘no bullshit baby shower’ for a dear friend using this image of tropical flower as inspiration (and by no bullshit I mean not a single pink cupcake will there be, nor a ‘pin the dummy on the baby’ crappola game playing or any other mothers group lamo baby stuff. Infact the only way you will know this is a baby shower and not just a stylish garden party is the fact that my friend has an enormous baby bump and will not be guzzling sav blanc with me by the bucket …as is our usual style.


I have another project in conceptual stages, another that I am thinking of taking on and wondering who the hell I can complete it before christmas time and another that I am going to have to decline as they need it done too soon – fore-planning people? it is highly important when it comes to your home.

I have been admiring the work of Luchetti Krelle who I came across when inspecting a local house who was designed by this Sydney based firm. Had a little bit of envy going on there when I saw the houses they have worked on… yes creative envy is a real thing.

I have been dreaming of holidays and planning where to go after our Vietnam plans were disappointingly put on hold due to rip -off fares jumping up significantly…and me not booking them when I should have. I’m super good at that.

And on top of all the other crap and never-ending to do lists I have stuck on my fridge, I have stalked these 3 homes that are just eye candy for me, there are plenty more images at each of the links below.

This design files home

 Singapore apartment 

Gorgeous Danish home


I am off now to attempt to do some gardening, I love gardening but am not that great at it yet …but I live in hope of one day being as green thumbed as my parents. Now off I go before the wet season sets in or I lose interest.

I could not agree more, I love spending time on my patio with a good book in my hands (ok yes, and a glass of wine too) listening to the birds.