Sunday session 28.12.14

Wow this is my last sunday session for 2014?! (and yes… I am aware it’s late) So if I wasn’t already hysterical due to the end of my holidays looming far too close this would certainly be enough to tip me over the edge. I’m not ready for the new year yet!! who is? I am going to have to delete all the blog subscriptions in my inbox before I am temped to actually read them because if I see one single post gushing “omg it’s the new year and I’m all organised and look at all my fresh ideas and my nice shiny house and my perfectly home cooked meals and my goddamn cheerful kids” post I am going to LOSE MY SHIT.

Here’s some pictures from my desktop to entertain the inner designer in you while I go have a panic attack about 2015 starting to soon. Happy new year everyone. (vomits into wine glass).

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If you to are suffering from ‘HSITNYAS’ …. (Holy shit it’s the new year already syndrome) this article might help you. 🙂 xox