Sunday session 16.3.14

This beautiful vision in green is called the Mayor sofa by Arne Jacobsen &Flemming Lassen

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an apartment like this, high ceilings with an abundance of natural light streaming in through enormous windows, beautifully crafted cornices and parquetry floors – I can dream. As the sofa you don’t have to dream you an OWN IT! Probably for a small fortune – check it out at & Tradition – a neat little site I came across.

maison vineyeard Masion vineyard restaurant

I found this gem of a dining setting earlier in the week and to my delight found that it is located in a vineyeard-  no wonder it appealed to me so much! It also happens to be in South Africa so a tad too far to go for a weekend but beautiful none the less. Maison vineyeard quotes “It is dedicated to three simple pursuits: the production of beautiful wines, the making of delicious food and the appreciation of great design.” tick, tick, tick this place is perfect in my eyes and I am now taking on and dedicating myself to these pursuits too…. I better go update my instagram profile accordingly.  See more of this gorgeous place here

Turquoise bathroom

Torlap home image

I have discovered that this Torlap guy is very clever only this week- before that i’d never heard of him, had you?  I’m obviously a little slow catching on to him as this article I found on his was singing  his praises 3 years ago but I’m glad ive found him now he seems an interesting sort, plus he has my second favourite breed of dog so he’s pretty damn cool in my eyes.

In other news are you aware that Art month is on in Sydney? I have been meandering through the site checking out all sorts of things by super crafty hip types and feeling sorry for myself and disappointed by my lack of creative output lately (i have an easel still in its box in the corner of my office thats been there MONTHS, possibly 6 of them!) for anyone over that way you have another week and half (it ends on the 23rd) to go checkout it out because i wont be able to, i am sadly headed to Sydney no less than  a week and a day AFTER it finishes 🙁 ‘cos that’s just my luck at the minute. The programme  “unites leading creative minds in the exploration of art & architecture and art & design.” sounds right up my alley- I need to get back in touch with my inner artist. Just writing this has spurred me on to go get crafty right now while I think of it- gonna go unwrap that easel Oh yes I am!